Considering a new career?

Since the pandemic, not only have job openings remained at historically high levels, but career changes and job hopping continue to rise. Amid all these changes, one industry playing a crucial role in the digital age and teeming with job openings is broadband. 

Broadband is an industry as vast as the internet that it enables. But for how essential it is to the world we live in today, most don’t pay any mind to the infrastructure behind their constantly connected devices. And moreover, most are not aware of the lucrative careers that exist to maintain that infrastructure.

From fiber splicing to climbing cell towers, there is a high demand for telecom workers right now, and not all of the jobs are as technical as one might think. Not only do many of these roles provide a great living (without plummeting into debt), but they also offer opportunities to travel, work outdoors and help communities become and stay connected.     

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