BBN Intro

Connecting Talent with Opportunity

Broadband Nation is a career development platform to bring industry, national, state and local government and academia together to attract and connect talent to jobs and training.

  • Attract: National campaign to promote broadband jobs with engaging content and a robust promotion plan

  • Train: Extensive directory of specialized broadband training courses and resources

  • Deliver: Nationwide directory of job postings searchable by state, type of job and company

Elevate your broadband initiatives

Job awareness
Training courses
Your state broadband goals
Industry leadership

Let's Talk

Select the option below that relates to your organization.


Educational Training

Training providers, colleges and technical schools
and more


Government Sponsorship

State Broadband Offices, workforce development agencies and more


Industry Sponsorship

Service providers, construction/network engineering companies, plus more

Conquer the Digital Divide at the Event for the Broadband Industry

November 17 - 19, 2025 | Orlando, Florida

Broadband Nation Expo will unite broadband service providers, equipment suppliers and other industry partners with local, state and federal government leaders. Broadband Nation Expo will feature all potential access technologies such as fiber, fixed wireless, DOCSIS and satellite. A special feature of Broadband Nation Expo will be the Workforce Development Pavilion, which will host academic institutions from around the country.

BBN Expo Prom

Broadband Nation FAQs

What is Broadband Nation?

Who initiated the program?

Who does the program target?

Is this a government program?

Will TIA provide training for Broadband Nation?

What is Broadband Nation Expo?