While more people are taking notice of the stability and high pay of jobs in the trades, broadband isn't typically at the top of the that list. But it can be just as a lucrative as many traditional trades, as Chris Gemme explained to us.
Gemme got early exposure to the cable TV industry thanks to shadowing his father on the job. "Eventually I got to where I could do installations, I could do headend work, I learned how to do mapping and design work, and then eventually learned how to start doing the construction of the network as well."
Across the various aspects of the work, Gemme has always been motivated by a mindset that loves to tinker and troubleshoot. That curiosity has created an expansive career and lead him to where he currently works today as a field application engineer for CommScope.
As Gemme explained, he knows many technicians can make well over six figures. He even cited one top-earner who made $175,000 by the month of July. "From January to July... that is a lot of money," reflected Gemme, adding that the technician planned to take the last quarter of the year off to do what he loved and spend time with his family.
"If you wanna earn big, this is a great place to do it. It's a fun environment," he said. "I just find it exciting every day"
Watch the full interview here:
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